Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence


Roberto Sedycias

Finding true peace and fulfillment in a life or prayer and listening to the Lord takes time and commitment, but it can be done.

Sarah Young has known for and lived her life in the presence of the divine. She knows what it is like to devote yourself to hearing the call of Jesus and has realized the peace it brings.

At first, she focused on herself and her interaction with the Lord but after a time, Sarah believed that there was more to it. She believes that if she was to truly fulfill the promise of the Peace and Growth she found in his presence, then she would have to spread the word to everyone.

With the book “Enjoying Peace in His Presence” Sarah has, at last, been able to share the love of the Lord and the Peace she has found with many, many others who are blessed and who wish to share the blessings she feels.


It has not been an easy trip. At first, her writing of the divine was awkward and felt stilted but as she kept at it, she began to feel more and more that the Lord was with her.

Her writing also shows how the joy and love she felt from his presence and the Peace she has been able to find has been worth the effort she has made to write her findings.

No, she doesn’t equate her findings with those found in Scripture and in the Bible. Instead, she has been able to show others the beauty and love she had found in her life through her writing.

And, others have taken up her writings and her belief that is, after all, the highest form of love one person can bring to another. If a person can help another grow in his Love of the Lord, then that person is truly blessed.

No one can say that Sarah Young isn’t truly blessed because she has not only given of herself, she has brought the Love and Peace of the Lord to many who may not have found it and they have passed it on to others. Stories about of people who found their way to the Lord and Peace after reading Sarah’s work and living the life she expounds. It’s not a hard life to live either, it’s just one where you are devoted to the Lord.

Once you have found that anchor in your life, the rest of life seems to cruise by easily as you have knowledge that all will be all right in the end.

With so many troubled souls in the world, everyone who is touched by and spreads the words Sarah has placed on paper will soon make this world a better place. Imagine a world without strife and with a supreme belief in the Peace of the Lord. It’s the type of world we all should strive for.

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Roberto Sedycias works as an IT consultant for


Article Source:

Jesus Calling: Enjoying Peace in His Presence