Improve Your Public Speaking Through Conversation


Edward Hope

Effective public speaking is a skill most people can acquire. The aim is to successfully communicate a message that is worthwhile and interesting to the audience. It is not an art form that only a few can master.

With effective public speaking being about the ideas being conveyed rather than fancy words and phrases, a conversational tone is considered in the majority of situations to be the most effective way to get a message across. An audience wants interesting content that they can use and do not expect fine oratory.

Public speaking has much in common with great conversation. Picture two people in discussion. One person is talking and the other is listening. People are attracted to the conversation and soon the individual is in effect delivering a speech. All the person talking need do is raise their voice so all can hear and continue to speak in a conversational tone which is the most effective way.

In public speaking there is little or no exchange of remarks. This is the only real difference to converstion.


The relationship of the two is best illustrated by the following quote from The Art Of Great Conversation – “The same instincts that make men turn and listen to the articulate individual in private conversation, make them turn and listen to public speakers.”

By improving in either one of these two areas of verbal communication it is possible to apply the lessons to improve in the other area. By practicing your public speaking skills in conversation you can improve your public speaking skills. Your public speaking will improve along with your skill as a converstionalist.

Here are 3 ways that conversation can be used to become a better public speaker and conversationalist:

Stories And Anecdotes

Day to day conversation is a great source of stories and anecdotes that can be put to good use in public speaking to illuminate points being made. It is good practice to note these “gems” down so you do not forget them. In this way you will develop a storehouse of stories you can use in public speaking and conversation,

Also, you can try out any stories and anecdotes you are planning to use in ordinary conversation, when appropriate. You will be able to gauge reaction, as well as add some interest to your conversation. In addition, you will be used to telling it and that can make it easier to deliver the story. The stories you choose to tell should be a natural part of the conversation.


It is normal for us to talk with our friends about the things that interest us and vice versa. Conversation can be a great place to discuss your speech topic and for other parties to the conversation to ask questions. This will help you develop the content for your speech. By expanding the topics you discuss you may become more popular as people who can talk on a number of topics in an interesting way are always in demand.


There are two parts to effective delivery – the vocal and the visible. The most effective delivery style is your natural style. However, there always room for a little improvement. Listen to your voice and observe your body language when conversing. You may discover some bad habits that you have acquired. With a some effort they can be overcome. Private conversation is a great place to work on these bad habits that will help to eliminate them in public speaking.

Effective public speaking is like great conversation. The skills of public speaking can be practiced in conversation for the benefit of both areas of verbal communication. By improving your skills you can become a more popular conversationalist as well as a more effective public speaker.

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